It's time for a class.
But you won't be graded.
Or have to take a test.
And you don't have to study.
Plus you get to eat your work.
Don't you wish all classes were like this? I would be a genius.
A genius I tell you.
For this class you learn how to make, bake and decorate cookies.
Now who's interested?!
This past Saturday a group of women gathered for a fun activity of decorating sugar cookies.
We started the morning off with a quick live-action tutorial on making the dough, rolling out cookies to specific thicknesses, and baking along with making the royal icing and all the tricks I've learned along the way.
I'm quick to point out that I didn't come up with many of these tricks...I'm just to conduit to pass them along.
Big word: conduit.
Sorry, back to the real reason you're reading this.
The cookie class was fun. At least I thought it was. 10 people and two hours proved to be just perfect for showing them the ropes and then letting them loose with 6 cookies each to decorate.
I pre-baked a bunch of fall themed sugar cookies for the class plus colored multiple bottles of royal icing so everything was ready to go.
And away they went!
These were my samples that I used to show them how to make and decorate cookies...and did some hands on demonstrations before they were turned loose!
Overall, I think they enjoyed the Saturday morning class. I know I did.
And at least everyone got to eat cookies afterwards.