Only the coolest comeback cartoon characters who once reined in the early 90's and have apparently reinvented themselves like many famous stars to be relevant today.
I'm referring to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Yes, those lovely green turtles who live in the sewers, fight crime, eat pizza and listen to a wise old rat. What's not believable about that?
Especially to a super cool five year old who celebrate his birthday this past Sunday.
I can say I've never done Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cookies before - so I was a little nervous about making them not look like crazy "for real mutant" turtles. It became apparent that I was going to have to freehand draw the outline on each of the 40 cookies so I had something to build off of. This wasn't going to happen any other way.
Then came the mighty task of outlining each one...
After outlining I filled just the sections that would be green...
And quickly put in black for the mouth
I bet you're thinking they look pretty bad right now huh?
Honestly...I was a little nervous but decided not to panic because I know outlining can make all the difference.
Much better.
Phew! Happy Birthday Jake - I hope it was a fantastic day.
Cowabunga Dude.