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Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Birthday...TMNT style

What does TMNT stand for?

Only the coolest comeback cartoon characters who once reined in the early 90's and have apparently reinvented themselves like many famous stars to be relevant today.

I'm referring to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Yes, those lovely green turtles who live in the sewers, fight crime, eat pizza and listen to a wise old rat. What's not believable about that?


Especially to a super cool five year old who celebrate his birthday this past Sunday.

I can say I've never done Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cookies before - so I was a little nervous about making them not look like crazy "for real mutant" turtles.  It became apparent that I was going to have to freehand draw the outline on each of the 40 cookies so I had something to build off of.  This wasn't going to happen any other way.

Then came the mighty task of outlining each one...
After outlining I filled just the sections that would be green...
And quickly put in black for the mouth

I bet you're thinking they look pretty bad right now huh?

Honestly...I was a little nervous but decided not to panic because I know outlining can make all the difference.


Much better.

Phew!  Happy Birthday Jake - I hope it was a fantastic day.  

Cowabunga Dude.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

It's Fall Y'all

Yes, I did just throw a y'all in there.  I did used to work for a rodeo.

That's a little fun fact for you to chew on this Monday morning.

Rodeo or's still fall and that means trying to come up with fall cookie ideas.

This past week was crazy.  Why you ask?

Well...I had to make over 400 cookies.

Yes, that's no typo.  Not 4.  Nor 40.


And I still needed to do my real job.  That provides me with a steady paycheck.  So all of my evenings and even into the wee-morning hours I did decorate.

All of the fall cookies I took to Friend, NE this past Saturday for a ladies luncheon at the Friend Country Club.

And get this.

I was the "featured speaker."

Say what?

Apparently people thought it would be a good idea to give me a stage and a crowd - and they actually wanted to listen to me talk about cookies.

Silly people.

But it went great.  I was a little nervous - as I'm just used to doing small cookie classes for 8 people.  60+ ladies is a little more than normal.

Aside from a minor technical hiccup (seriously, why does audio visual NEVER work when you need it to?) I think, fingers crossed, that everyone enjoyed the day.  And that they enjoyed the cookies I sold after my presentation.

I had fun making them.

So thank you ladies of Friend, was an honor to come talk to you. I hope I was entertaining.

Oh...and that that cookies tasted good!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Huskers and a Hail Mary

I don't know what you were doing last week, specifically Saturday around 6:23 pm CST, but much of Husker Nation was watching this...

Talk about a crazy play.

And a fantastic victory that Husker Nation needed.

I'm sure it was my cookies that helped.


Either way...we'll take the win.

Go Big Red!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween was so last week...

And I made cookies to celebrate.

My mom had asked if I'd make some mummy cookies for a Halloween dinner party they were having for their friends.

Perfect excuse to try making them.  Can you believe I've never made mummies?  Yeah, me either.

The rest I made and took down to Kansas City when we visited family.

My rendition of a chic-monster.  I mainly wanted to try out my chevron stencil.

And apparently I thought gold was a good color choice.


Scared you didn't I?

And since I was in a "black-is-cool" mood, I continued with black sparkly pumpkins.

My absolute least favorite...but at least I tried...was this skeleton.  Yuck.  I only did three and then gave up.

How's that for follow through?

Hope you all had a fantastically spooky Halloween.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What Do You Get from a Kangaroo & the Number 50?

Another week decorating cookies.

The 50 cookies were for a lovely couple who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary.  A little gold airbrushing and some red frosting fun makes for great cookies at a party.

The second set of cookies were because of a bet I lost with friends.  I won't mention the stakes as you can see I lost.  And it was requested that I make a dozen kangaroo cookies.

Challenge accepted.

Difficult, but accepted.

Especially since I didn't have a kangaroo cutter.

But I have a husband I can convince to make one.

And apparently they seemed to work...

Frosting them was a true challenge...mainly because I had zero idea what I wanted to do.

Nothing like going into decorating a cookie blind.

I'm happy to report that they were a hit.

Both sets.

Just another normal week decorating cookies.  Kangaroos and 50's....I wonder what next week will bring?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things I Know Little About...

I think I'm a smart with-it kind of person. One who is up on the latest pop culture, news stories and general "stuff"...

...however there is one thing that I know little about.


I remember them from when I was little and my brother played with them.  I vaguely remember watching Transformer cartoons on Saturday morning.

Other than that...I've got nothing.

So being asked to make Transformer sugar cookies for a little boy's birthday was enough to make me sweat.  His favorite Transformers are "Bumblebee" and "Optimus Prime" - which was like someone speaking Chinese to me.

You see...I am not fluent in Chinese.  

Nor in Transformer.

So after some googling.

Ok a lot of googling.

This is what I came up with and prayed that it was right.

I'm happy to report that he loved them and they were enjoyed by all.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Play Ball!

Take me out to the ballgame....take me out to the...cookies.

It's my new version of the classic American baseball song.  Who doesn't love sugar cookies with baseball?

I can tell you the group that got these ate them all up before the tailgate was even over.

I didn't even have one leftover to snack on while we were packing it up before the baseball game started.

Not to mention this is the only photo I captured.  No "in-action" shots...I blinked and they were gone.

What was even better...those mighty Huskers won that evening as well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I mustache you a question....

Yes, I did just say that.

'Cause it's funny.

And because I haven't been here for awhile...summer break was just too fun.  

So this is my comeback post....

It's short too.  But I'll be back tomorrow with lots more.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Things I forgot to Post

I'm a horrible cookie blogger. 

I guess that's better than being a horrible cookie maker.  Right?

So I may have a few photos to show. I promise it's not that many.  Really.

Here we go...


 maybe I lied about it just being a few pictures.
But at least it beats listening to me rambling.
Happy Cookies!