A few weeks ago I saw on Facebook that Cristin of Cristin's Cookies was hosting a cookie cutter mystery challenge.
And it caught my interest.
So I thought why not. I'd be kinda fun. And pressure me to challenge myself.
Cristin designed and made (can you believe it?!) the cookie cutter herself. And it was up to us to come up with a design.
Ugh. My brain said teddy bear, bear or some sort of similar animal. But that was too easy. I wanted to "think outside the cutter" and come up with another idea.
So I stared at it. A lot.
Then I took a picture of it and emailed it to my mom. And said "help."
Ideas ranged from hot air balloon (my idea) to an ornate old key (her) and everything in between. Each a good idea.
Eventually I settled on a robot.
Yeah, totally outside the box for me.
The best part is all the other great designs that people came up with! To see everyone's posts about their cookies you can follow the links below. (Pardon the lack of links...I'm doing this on my iPad and can't figure out this blogging thing!)
Cookie Cutter Challenge - Mystery Cutter – January 2013
#1 Christine at Chris’ Creative Confections http://www.facebook.com/chriscreativeconfections
#2 Liz at CookiesToGo http://www.facebook.com/pages/CookiesToGo/135748416466345
#3 Laurie at Cookie Bliss http://www.facebook.com/CookieBliss
#4 Michelle at Little Derbyshire Bakery http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Little-Derbyshire-Bakery/418493898224039
#5 Stephanie of Sweet Creations by Stephanie www.sweetcreationsbystephanie.com
#6 Blanca of Sugarchic Cake Design http://www.facebook.com/scdesign10?fref=ts
#7 Channing of The Cookie Master www.thecookiemaster.com
#8 Annie of Sweet Details Cookies http://www.facebook.com/sweetdetailscookies?fref=ts
#9 Cristin of Cristin’s Cookies www.cristinscookies.com
Such a fun challenge...and I had a great time doing it!! Thanks Cristin for doing this!