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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things I Know Little About...

I think I'm a smart with-it kind of person. One who is up on the latest pop culture, news stories and general "stuff"...

...however there is one thing that I know little about.


I remember them from when I was little and my brother played with them.  I vaguely remember watching Transformer cartoons on Saturday morning.

Other than that...I've got nothing.

So being asked to make Transformer sugar cookies for a little boy's birthday was enough to make me sweat.  His favorite Transformers are "Bumblebee" and "Optimus Prime" - which was like someone speaking Chinese to me.

You see...I am not fluent in Chinese.  

Nor in Transformer.

So after some googling.

Ok a lot of googling.

This is what I came up with and prayed that it was right.

I'm happy to report that he loved them and they were enjoyed by all.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Play Ball!

Take me out to the ballgame....take me out to the...cookies.

It's my new version of the classic American baseball song.  Who doesn't love sugar cookies with baseball?

I can tell you the group that got these ate them all up before the tailgate was even over.

I didn't even have one leftover to snack on while we were packing it up before the baseball game started.

Not to mention this is the only photo I captured.  No "in-action" shots...I blinked and they were gone.

What was even better...those mighty Huskers won that evening as well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I mustache you a question....

Yes, I did just say that.

'Cause it's funny.

And because I haven't been here for awhile...summer break was just too fun.  

So this is my comeback post....

It's short too.  But I'll be back tomorrow with lots more.