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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Where in the World Have I Been?

It's time for another cookie dump here on the 'ole blog.  I promised I haven't disappeared.  I've just been posting directly to the Sweet Details Facebook page here and the Sweet Details Instagram Page here.  Oh and Twitter too.  But I just don't get Twitter.  It confuses me.

Somehow...someday soon I should figure out how to make my Instagram feed and Facebook feed update this blog. 

Anywho - I haven't been MIA.  It's been quite the opposite.  It's been a crazy busy fall.  Really, I swear.


I wasn't kidding.  And those are just the ones I remembered to take photos of.

I do have some more shots on my big nice camera...just getting them off of it seems to be the challenge.  I figure I should concentrate on getting the cookie orders I have completed instead of playing around with photos.

But I promise.  I promise I'll get them off the big camera soon.

And 2015....I know I can do better. 

You'd think I had a full-time job or something?!