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Monday, March 23, 2015

Want to go to Prom?

Anyone want to go to prom?

Specifically someone named Sam.

Because if so, I have a cookie for you.

Kidding, I didn't make up a random prom cookie.  That'd be creepy if I did however.  No, it was for a young  gentleman to ask someone to go to prom.  A girl named Sam (if you haven't used your skills of deductive reasoning yet).

He'd seen a picture of something similar online and his mother emailed me to ask it if was something I could do.  I said yes and in under one week I made two sets of cookies.

Not because they wanted two sets, but because my first set I was so ashamed of.  They looked horrible and I couldn't with good conscience let him use to ask Sam to prom.

I  posted this picture to Instagram and you'll notice puzzle pieces.  In theory it was a great idea.  But my decorating wasn't.

The mother had told me that Sam loved the color blue...a girl after my own heart.  For some reason I thought I'd "watercolor" paint on the cookies.

They turned out horrible.  And dumb.  And no one wants to give dumb cookies.

So I started over...baked the cookies again (with two days to spare) and started over.

I've never started over before.  There's a first time for everything.

The second set was much better.  Much.

Another view (the circles are below this time.  I'm proud to provide you with this commentary today).

I'd say what I like even better are the "Sam" and "Prom" cookies.  Darn cute if you ask me.

I never heard if Sam said yes.  How could she not with those cookies?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Over. The. Hill.

Fortieth birthday cookies are purely entertaining to make. Maybe that's because I'm not 40 yet (close but not yet).

I had a client who's husband requested my cookies for his 40th Birthday - and we decided to go with the standard black and white motif.  True "over-the-hill" theme.

I had planned on using my airbrush to add some background fun on the plaque cookies. Only when I was cleaning it out...I lost the teeny-tiny piece that goes by the trigger.  Down the drain.  I almost cried. Actually I cursed.  Loudly.  But it didn't bring back the lost piece.  Sidenote: anyone know if you can buy pieces to airbrushes?

Either way I think they still turned out pretty neat.  Yes, neat "over-the-hill" cookies.


Happy 40th Birthday Ryan.  I hope you had a great day!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday Window: A Blue Baby Shower

This post isn't much.  Shockingly it's about sugar cookies.  Can you believe it?  

I'm starting a new thing called Wednesday's Window.  Just a few quick pictures of something I've been working on.  A snapshot.  

For the first installment baby cookies.  Specifically baby shower cookies for a little boy.  Simple, cute and fun.  Isn't that how they should all be?

Happy Baby Shower Day!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Neeeeeeeigh....that's a horse sound

When you turn 16 you want horse cookies right?

No?  Well for my cousin's daughter she's way more into a horse as her form of transportation than a car. However I don't think she'd turn down a car.  Just my gut feeling.

Gabby loves anything horse related.  She always has, even when she was young.  At a family dinner years ago my brother tried convincing her that he road across Oklahoma on the back of a horse named Mr. Ed.  It was the best story ever - that he continued to make up on the fly.  The rest of us had a hard time not
laughing out loud and I think Gabby wasn't entirely sure that he was making it up.  He had great answers to all of her questions.  My favorite was when she asked what he fed Mr. Ed - and Matt  replied "Cheerios" in a very matter-of-fact tone.

Even though we tried to convince her of my brother's horse past - she never wavered from her love.  Thus, horse sugar cookies to celebrate her birthday were perfect.

I started with just a few frosting colors - thankfully left over from orders earlier that week and some extra mixing to get more brown!

I was torn bewteen trying to do entire horses or just the heads.  Heads won out.  Simplicity seemed smarter.

A flooding of brown.

And a quick white strip of white flood frosting while the brown was still wet.  Then they dried for about 3 hours.

I needed the base layer to be hard enough so I could do the horsey details.  Yes, horsey.

That means eyes, a halter and hair...ummm a mane.

I also made some accompanying cookies that were to have horseshoes on them.  

The final cookies turned out pretty cool.  Consider me shocked.  I was prepared to be completely unhappy with the horses.  

Happiest Birthday Gabby - I hope turning 16 was awesome!  Mr. Ed wishes you a fantastic day too!

Monday, February 23, 2015

WAIT...did Valentine's Day happen?

Oops - seems 2015 is the year for me to post holiday cookie photos AFTER the holiday has passed.

Some might say I'm just slow.  I prefer to think that I like extending each holiday to last the entire month.

You saw the "chocolate" boxes I made a few weeks ago.  However,  I did make more Valentines cookies than just the "chocolates."

Beware there are lots 'o pictures below...

I like Valentines...especially ones like these.

Happy (late) Valentines Day!