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Sunday, January 27, 2013

January: Cookie of the Month

I made it by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin.

They were delivered yesterday.

Nothing like five days to spare.

So what did I make?

Well, it's kinda weird.

To outsiders.

I made toast, cheese and eggs.

Yes, really.


I was sick of making snowflakes and anything "winter" related.  Thus I thought I'd do something funny.

You see, my grandma is a wonderful cook.  Still is.  Even though she claims she's not.

But since my grandfather passes away over four years ago - she doesn't cook much and eats "whatever is in her fridge." I could tell many funny stories about that. 

She and my grandfather used to go out to eat dinner most evenings.  It was something fun they enjoyed doing and had favorite places to eat.  She still does.

But many times she eats whatever is in her fridge.  And when I ask "so, what'd you do for dinner last night" many of her meals center around toast, eggs (in some form) and cheese.

Hence, nothing better to make her than cookie replicas of her "favorite foods" or I should probably say "most frequent!"

Complete they look pretty great. And I think they taste even better than the real thing.

The sugar version is always better.  Right?

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